906 research outputs found

    Coerced Mechanical Coarsening of Nanoparticle Assemblies

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    Coarsening is a ubiquitous phenomenon [1-3] that underpins countless processes in nature, including epitaxial growth [1,3,4], the phase separation of alloys, polymers and binary fluids [2], the growth of bubbles in foams5, and pattern formation in biomembranes6. Here we show, in the first real-time experimental study of the evolution of an adsorbed colloidal nanoparticle array, that tapping-mode atomic force microscopy (TM-AFM) can drive the coarsening of Au nanoparticle assemblies on silicon surfaces. Although the growth exponent has a strong dependence on the initial sample morphology, our observations are largely consistent with modified Ostwald ripening processes [7-9]. To date, ripening processes have been exclusively considered to be thermally activated, but we show that nanoparticle assemblies can be mechanically coerced towards equilibrium, representing a new approach to directed coarsening. This strategy enables precise control over the evolution of micro- and nanostructures

    A Novel Tool to Mitigate By-Catch Mortality of Baltic Seals in Coastal Fyke Net Fishery

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    Developing methods to reduce the incidental catch of non-target species is important, as by-catch mortality poses threats especially to large aquatic predators. We examined the effectiveness of a novel device, a "seal sock", in mitigating the by-catch mortality of seals in coastal fyke net fisheries in the Baltic Sea. The seal sock developed and tested in this study was a cylindrical net attached to the fyke net, allowing the seals access to the surface to breathe while trapped inside fishing gear. The number of dead and live seals caught in fyke nets without a seal sock (years 2008-2010) and with a sock (years 2011-2013) was recorded. The seals caught in fyke nets were mainly juveniles. Of ringed seals (Phoca hispida botnica) both sexes were equally represented, while of grey seals (Halichoerus grypus) the ratio was biased (71%) towards males. All the by-caught seals were dead in the fyke nets without a seal sock, whereas 70% of ringed seals and 11% of grey seals survived when the seal sock was used. The seal sock proved to be effective in reducing the by-catch mortality of ringed seals, but did not perform as well with grey seals.201

    Hallitusohjelma ja eläkeläisten toimeentulo

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    Tässä työpaperissa tarkastellaan 29.5.2015 nimitetyn pääministeri Sipilän hallituksen ohjelman vaikutuksia eläkeläisten toimeentuloon. Laskelmat koskevat indeksileikkausten vaikutuksia reaalituloihin, eläkeläisten siirtämistä yleisen asumistuen piiriin ja takuueläkkeen korotusta. Laskelmat ovat osaksi esimerkkilaskelmia, osaksi Kelan rekisteritietoihin perustuvia arvioita ja osaksi tulonsiirtojen ja verotuksen mikrosimulointiin perustuvia laskelmia

    Predictors of employment in young adults with psychiatric work disability

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    AIM: Mental disorders are the leading cause of work disability among young adults in the industrialized world. Factors predicting employment after long-term psychiatric work disability are largely unknown. METHODS: We linked personal and clinical information from the benefit applications and medical certificates of 1163 young adults (18-34 years) with a new-onset fixed-term psychiatric disability pension in 2008 with employment records between 2005 and 2013. The outcomes were starting employment during and being employed at the end of follow-up. RESULTS: Of the participants, 48% had been employed during and 22% were employed at the end of follow-up. Sustained employment history, university education (master's degree) and no recorded psychological symptoms in childhood were associated with both subsequent employment outcomes. Women and participants under 25 years were more likely to start employment. Depression and other mental disorders (vs psychotic diagnose) and having no comorbid mental disorders or substance abuse were associated with employment at the end of follow-up. CONCLUSIONS: Sustained employment history, university education and no recorded psychological symptoms during childhood predict a return to employment among young adults after a fixed-term psychiatric work disability pension. Pro-active interventions in psychological problems during childhood could enhance employment after a period of work disability

    Do predictors of return to work and recurrence of work disability due to mental disorders vary by age? A cohort study

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    BACKGROUND: The extent to which predictors of return to work (RTW) and recurrence of work disability episodes vary by age group is not well understood. METHODS: We examined the associations of sociodemographic and clinical factors with RTW and recurrence after mental-disorder-related work disability episodes in a cohort of 10,496 Finnish public sector employees. Disability records were derived from national disability registers between 2005 and 2011. Effect modification by age was examined in age groups of 21-34, 35-50 and >50 years. RESULTS: A total of 16,551 disability episodes from mental disorders were recorded. The likelihood of RTW was elevated in age group 21-34 (hazard ratio (HR) = 1.36, 95% confidence interval (CI) = 1.28-1.46) and 35-50 years (HR = 1.22, 95% CI = 1.18-1.26) compared to age group >50 years. The risk of a recurrent episode of work disability was higher in age groups >50 (HR = 1.29, 95% CI = 1.09-1.52) and 35-50 years (HR = 1.20, 95% CI = 1.03-1.41) compared to the youngest age group. Employees with depressive disorders were less likely to RTW than employees with neurotic, stress-related and somatoform disorders, and this difference increased with age. Low education was associated with increased risk of recurrent work disability episode in age groups of 50 years or younger, while no such association was observed in age group >50 years. CONCLUSIONS: The importance of depressive symptoms over neurotic, stress-related and somatoform disorders as predictors of delayed RTW increases with age, whereas educational differences in the recurrence of an episode diminish by age

    Associations of dietary macronutrient and fibre intake with glycaemia in individuals with Type 1 diabetes

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    Aims To study the association between dietary intake and glycaemia in Type 1 diabetes. Methods Data on energy and nutrient intakes, and the mean and coefficient of variation of self-monitored blood glucose measurements were obtained from records completed by 1000 adults with Type 1 diabetes. Associations between these measures of glycaemia and dietary intake were investigated using generalized linear regression, with and without macronutrient substitution. Results In the first set of analyses, fibre intake was associated with lower mean self-monitored blood glucose values (beta = -0.428, 95% CI -0.624 to -0.231; PPeer reviewe


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    Most synthetic bone grafts are either hard and brittle ceramics or paste-like materials that differ in applicability from the gold standard autologous bone graft, which restricts their widespread use. Therefore, the aim of the study was to develop an elastic, highly porous and biodegradable beta-tricalciumphosphate/poly(L-lactide-co-epsilon-caprolactone) (beta-TCP/PLCL) composite for bone applications using supercritical CO2 foaming. Ability to support osteogenic differentiation was tested in human adipose stem cell (hASC) culture for 21 d. Biocompatibility was evaluated for 24 weeks in a rabbit femur-defect model. Foamed composites had a high ceramic content (50 wt%) and porosity (65-67 %). After 50 % compression, in an aqueous environment at 37 degrees C, tested samples returned to 95 % of their original height. Hydrolytic degradation of beta-TCP/PLCL composite, during the 24-week follow-up, was very similar to that of porous PLCL scaffold both in vitro and in vivo. Osteogenic differentiation of hASCs was demonstrated by alkaline phosphatase activity analysis, alizarin red staining, soluble collagen analysis, immunocytochemical staining and qRT-PCR. In vitro, hASCs formed a pronounced mineralised collagen matrix. A rabbit femur defect model confirmed biocompatibility of the composite. According to histological Masson-Goldner's trichrome staining and micro-computed tomography, beta-TCP/PLCL composite did not elicit infection, formation of fibrous capsule or cysts. Finally, native bone tissue at 4 weeks was already able to grow on and in the beta-TCP/PLCL composite. The elastic and highly porous beta-TCP/PLCL composite is a promising bone substitute because it is osteoconductive and easy-to-use and mould intraoperatively.Peer reviewe

    Ihmismäisen robotin pään, silmien ja suun liikkeiden kehittäminen

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    Tiivistelmä. Perinteisesti robotit ovat olleet tärkeässä roolissa muun muassa tehdastyön tehokkuuden kasvattamisessa, mutta viime vuosina robotiikan huomio on keskittynyt yhä enemmän ihmistä muistuttaviin robotteihin eli humanoidirobotteihin, joita voitaisiin käyttää useissa tehtävissä ihmisten korvikkeena. Ihmisen muoto kuitenkin aiheuttaa useita haasteita robotin suunnittelussa, suurimpien joukossa luonnollisilta vaikuttavien liikkeiden toteuttaminen. InMoov-robotin päälle toteutettiin ohjausjärjestelmä, joka parantaa aiemmin toteutettua kasvojen seuraamista yhdistämällä siihen pään liikkeet, ja lisää puhesynteesin perusteella liikkuvan leuan sekä erinäisiä pään eleitä ihmisen ja robotin vuorovaikutuksen parantamiseksi. Järjestelmän suoriutumista testattiin käyttötarkoituksen mukaisessa ympäristössä kahdella erillisellä kerralla, joissa ilmi tulleita havaintoja käytettiin järjestelmän parantamiseen. Lopullinen järjestelmä pystyy kääntämään robotin silmiä sekä päätä ihmismäisesti kohti tunnistettuja kasvoja ja suorittamaan valmiiksi ohjelmoituja pään eleitä, minkä lisäksi siinä on valmius yhdistää leuka liikkumaan ulkoisen ohjelmiston puheen mukaan. Robotin kokoonpano koostuu päästä, kaulasta, torsosta ja olkavarsista.Developing head, eye, and jaw movements of a humanoid robot. Abstract. Traditionally robots have had an important role in making factories more efficient, among other things, but in recent years the field of robotics has been more and more focused on robots that resemble humans, also known as humanoid robots, which could be used in many tasks as replacements for human workers. However, designing such robots poses many challenges, one of the greatest being the difficulty of creating human-like movements. In this work, a control system for the head of an InMoov robot, which improves on its previously implemented face tracking capabilities by adding head movement and implements speech synthesis-based jaw movements along with various head gestures in order to improve human-robot interaction with the robot, was implemented. The system was tested in its intended environment on two separate occasions in order to observe where the system could be improved further. The final system is able to turn the robot’s eyes and head towards detected faces in a human-like fashion and execute pre-programmed head gestures, in addition to which it has the capability to move its jaw according to speech synthesised in an external program. The robot consists of a head, a neck, a torso, and upper arms

    Psychotherapeutic and vocational interventions among young adults with work disability due to mental disorders in Finland.

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    BACKROUND: Little is known about treatment and rehabilitation received and planned among young adults with work disability due to a mental disorder. AIMS: To examine the implemented psychotherapeutic and vocational interventions and treatment plans among young adults with work disability due to a mental disorder. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Data were collected from medical records of young Finnish adults aged 18-34 with a long-term work disability history due to a mental disorder (N = 1163). The participant characteristics associated with four types of interventions were analyzed using log-binomial regression analysis. RESULTS: In total, 34% had participated in a psychotherapeutic intervention. Of the non-students, 26% had participated in vocational intervention. For 46% of the non-students, neither type of intervention was planned. Both implemented and planned psychotherapeutic interventions were associated with female sex, high education, attachment to employment, and absence of substance abuse. Low education and childhood adversity were associated with implemented vocational interventions and absence of substance abuse with planned vocational interventions. CONCLUSION AND SIGNIFICANCE: There is an unmet need for psychotherapeutic interventions among men, among those with lower socio-economic status, and among those with poor attachment to labor market. In addition, there is a lack of vocational interventions for those with high education. People with substance abuse are largely excluded from both types of interventions